
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pulled Pork BBQ

Since I've already posted this article in the newspaper I write for, I'll just add the link to the page instead of typing it all out again.  Lazy huh?

Here are some pictures though...

Good Grief!  But after all that low and slow roasting...that mess turns into this.........

The easiest pulled pork bbq you will ever make!

(c) copyright Jill Anderson
The Homegrown Gourmet


  1. Hey JillyAn, I'm not much of a pork eater. This does look delicious though. I'm sure everyone loved it...
    By the way, please do check out my guest post on Lazaro cooks! Thanks, Stella

  2. Thanks Stella...I will go read it. I actually don't eat pork at all...LOL (most people who read my work know that I'm a vegan personally) I do have to make all kinds of foods for clients and demos though so I'm very used to making things that I won't eat. That's what I have Roger for...the official taster.


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