
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day...

Happy Memorial Day everyone!  I am proud to be an American EVERYDAY but on days that we have set aside to honor our Military heros, I am especially proud.  Both my grandfather's served in WWII, one in the Army, the other was mounted Calvary.  My mother's father (who slipped into a coma due to advanced Alzhimers) lay in his hospital bed on September 11th, 2001 unaware of the terrible events of that day, never knowing that the country for which he fought and was wounded for twice in Checkoslovakia had been attacked.  He died on September 15th, never having regained consciousness and was buried on the 17th as US Navy Warships guarded the Eastern Seaboard.  After the funeral we watched as the Theodore Roosevelt Battlegroup got underway for the Middle East. 

My grandfather, Thomas Oliver Williford was buried that day with two Purple Heart Medals pinned to his chest in the rotunda of the Tennessee Veterans Cemetary with full Military Honor Guard, a 21 Gun Salute.  We filed out of the rotunda behind his flagged drapped coffin to listen as a lone bugle played Taps by his graveside.  It's something you never forget. 

My husband (who is very humble about his Military service by the way), retired from the US Navy in 2004 after 20 years of distinguished service.  For many years he was a Search and Rescue Swimmer, Helo air-crewman (AW) and for the last couple of years, an instructor at both Mayport and NAS JAX Naval Air Bases.  He has over 500 combat hours and more than 3000 total flight hours.  He recieved the Navy Com with Valor medal for his participation in the rescue of a downed helicopter crew (behind enemy line).  There are many other metals in his sea chest and plaques and commendations covering the walls of his office. 

I generally strive to keep political discussion out of my blog because this is not the platform for it.  I don't really consider being greatful for our American heros a political issue however.  It's a matter of National pride.  Anyone who does NOT appreciate the sacrifices of our veterans and their families probably should go live somewhere else.

Whether you agree or disagree with the issues and politics of war is irrelevant.  You live, work, play, raise families, and enjoy the freedoms and ALL the benefits that America has to offer largely due to the few who put duty to God, Country and Family before their OWN personal safety.  The least we can do is honor their sacrifices.

My husband Roger...his retirement photo
March 19th, 2004


  1. I LOVE this blog! My grandfather was in the Navy during the Korean war. I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Memorial Day!

  2. here here!!!! great tribute to your family and America....thanks so much for sharing!!

  3. Thank you both. Glad to see that other people appreciate our veterans. Oh and I forgot to mention my uncle who served in Korea. He has suffered from epilepsy ever since his military service due to exposure to agent orange.

  4. A wonderful and sincere tribute! Thanks for always so generously sharing your family stories with us. Happy Memorial Day!!!

  5. great post, I beleive we should always honor our soldiers, I love my soldiers, mostly my soldier family members
    hubby-- 4th infantry division 110 cav- Fort Hood

    little sister-- 1st ID the big red one- Fort Riley

    little brother-- US Marine, supply, drill instructor, San diego California

  6. Thanks Denise and Sweetlife. Sweet...what a wonderful family legacy!


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