
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Please Drink Responsibly

Some genius thought it would be a good idea for my stiff old body to try a little kickboxing.  While the amount of calories and consequently FAT to be burned is substantial, the price of all that exercise-y hoop laa is a bit high.  If someone asked me what I had for breakfast today, the answer would be..."Oh, a bowl of high fiber cereal and half a banana with some almond milk and good stiff coctail of geritol, muscle relaxers and prune juice...shaken...NOT STIRRED!

It is way difficult for a busy body like me to sit on my behind (with heating pad) all day nursing an overtaxed back muscle.  I want to MOVE and GROOVE and clean my house (compulsively) and gather dog blossoms from my backyard.  Well, maybe I don't exactly WANT to do that but I need to so the neighbors don't think I'm starting a fertilizer farm over here.  I want to get in my kitchen and mix up something...experiment...
create...develop.  I want to flex my culinary muscles until they are bulging and fierce and even the Iron Chefs would stand in awe before me and....and....

Sorry, I dozed off for a minute and I guess my fingers kept going.  That Geritol, Soma and Prune juice shooter sure packs a wallup!  Anyway,  there must be something about being "laid up" that makes you want creamy, warm, comforting stuff.  I'm thinking calling out to the drug store and having them deliver a WALKER so I prop myself up long enough to whip up a lil sump'n sump'n for dessert tonight.

I saw this wonderful (rich and high calorie) recipe for Sweet Polenta Pudding and I'm dying to try a lightened up, healthier version.  I adore polenta anyway...sweet or savory.  My husband always calls it "placenta" which kind of makes me feel like gagging.  I think he just does it annoy me.  So about the recipe...ok, its loaded with high calorie mascarpone cheese and full fat milk.  Plus white sugar AND honey AND apricot preserves.  I'm sure it tastes heavenly but I KNOW it exceeds my 200 calorie dessert rule by several hundred.  I'll let you know how it came out and post the recipe tomorrow.   You just go on and don't give a thought to me slaving away in the kitchen with my strained back muscle...all so YOU can have a new recipe!

I wonder if its too early for another coctail? 

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