
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Soap Box

At the moment, I'm busy submitting articles for publication. Which by the way, one has already been accepted and is available to be seen under my NAME as S. Jill Anderson NOT as The Homegrown Gourmet. Go to and search under either my name or the article titles which is, "Dark and Leafy--Know Your Power Greens." That being said, I do want to let you know that a new blog article IS coming this week. I still have to cover another of my "Top 5" pet peeves; HYDROGENATED OILS! You KNOW that's going to be a hell-fire and brimstone (can I get an amen) post!

I would like to thank everyone for stopping in and reading. I encourage you to leave comments or questions. There is nothing I like better than dissing processed foods and ripping on prescription drugs. I will also (when I get finished typing it) post my story of how I came to be (self-titled) the F.D.A. which stands for "Food And Drug Antagonist". Of course, if you follow my posts you'll find that they are not always about the negative. Sometime I will feature a food that you SHOULD be including in your diet. My personal nominee is Organic Coconut products; especially the extra virgin cold pressed oil. We'll get to that later as well.

There will be links to some of my research sites posted from time to time. Don't take my word for the things I'm blogging about! Go to these sites and read and or listen to this stuff for yourself. Two of my all-time favorite health crusaders, Dr. Joseph Mercol and Mike Adams ( and Dr. Mercola's website is the largest site devoted to holistic living on the web with more than 5000 pages. Mike Adams is a total HOOT! If you've never watched any of his videos or seen any of his "counter-thinker cartoons", I hope you'll go check him out. He has youtube videos as well as a weekly live pod-cast. Another website that you should investigate is which has information that will help you improve all aspects of your life; emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological. Another thing on my mile-long list of things to do is to type out my personal horror story of a prescription drug reaction that nearly killed me, my severe addiction to nutra-sweet, a twenty year addiction to cigarettes AND mercury sickness (from the fillings in my teeth)...ALL of which were overcome through the help of a local maximized living doctor by the name of Dr. Matthew Herba (

There will probably be so many links that I'll be getting posts and emails saying, "ENOUGH ALREADY!" Please, share YOUR links with me too! The thing I've always loved about the holistic community is the willingness to share resources. I find that to be the case both in "the real world" and the virtual one. Until next time: Health and Happiness to all!

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